Our time together is so short, - I told the Dog and despaired.
He was stretched out rolling on the grass and turned to me his dark brown honey-like gaze.
All of my time belongs to you, - He said. - And so, you see, it is endless. /IC

About Us








Sentikki is an FCI registered kennel since 1998.   We have been active in the breed since 1994, when our first Australian Shepherd, Linerider's Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, was imported to Latvia from the Linerider's Kennel in Ohio, USA.  Rikki was the first Australian Shepherd in Latvia and in the Baltic States. Our second Australian Shepherd was Propwash Catera "Senga" who would go on to become World Winner 1998. I shall always be grateful to Diane Peters of Linerider and Leslie B. Frank of Propwash Farms, who trusted a beginner with such quality dogs. The names of Senga and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi were combined to form our kennel name, Sentikki.

Sentikki kennel is proud to be a registered Breeder of Merit since 2014. 

Our dogs and puppies live on a 100-acre farm, as part of the family. We have forests and meadows and our own creek to explore. It is a good place to live, and a good place to grow up. We have our own chickens and even our own stork nest right next to the house. We also have our own foxes, deer and wild boar on the farm but that's another story - we would rather not have them here, and they rather don't care.

We are a small hobby breeder. Sentikki dogs are show dogs, obedience and agility dogs, some are licensed therapy dogs, but first and foremost our dogs are appreciated family members. You know, the kind that like to come to the seashore with you, sleep under your chair while you work, have a taste if the burgers or pancakes are done just right, and crowd outside the bathroom door when you take a shower.

The focus of our breeding program is healthy, well socialized, breed-typical puppies that will make a good family companion. Our puppies live in close contact with people and are used to the everyday activity and noise of a busy household. We invest enormous amounts of time and effort into our litters, and we have the luxury of raising puppies only once or twice a year.  

We do temperament testing, annual eye exams, hip and elbow X-rays, genetic tests for HSF4, CEA, PRA, MDR1 and DM of all our breeding stock. Please see here a detailed description of potential health and genetic problems in the breed, and what you can do to avoid them.


Research the Australian Shepherd (and any other breed of dog) carefully before bringing home a new family member.  You need to make sure that your new dog will fit with your lifestyle and living arrangements.  The Australian Shepherd has strong herding and guarding instincts.  We love this breed and we recognize that the Australian Shepherd is not for everyone.  

Many Australian Shepherds are not suitable for first-time dog owners.  

This is an intense, active, devoted dog that wants to be part of your life. These dogs are best kept in the country-side, with an active, outdoorsy family that has the time, know-how, and suitable residence / fenced yard for an energetic, bright dog. 

Please see here an accurate description of the Australian Shepherd breed character, including good points and what many families might consider bad points.

Australian Shepherds generally do not make suitable pets for busy families where everyone works full time, away from home. Lack of exercise, boredom and loneliness can be the cause of various behavior problems.  It is not fair to expect a young puppy to be home alone during your full-time working week.  If you work full time, consider hiring a dog sitter - or do not buy a young puppy. Even if you are away from home only part-time, consider carefully where your puppy or young dog will live while you are away.  Loose in the house is not a good answer.  Routinely crated for the length of your working-week is not a good answer either.  All puppies and young dogs need a suitabe living space that keeps them safe and out of trouble, while allowing them to elimintate, have a drink, move about, play and explore. It can be a separate dog-proof room, an indoors or outdoors enclosure, a kennel, depending on where you live and what the climate is. Do consider the need for shade, shelter and some privacy for the dog.    


We highly recommend training or socialization classes for our puppies and young dogs.  It almost does not matter what kind of class it is - obedience, agility, handling, etc., as long as you spend time with the dog and learn to work as a team and co-operate. Choose your trainer with care, choose one that understands how to motivate a dog.  Beware of harsh training methods, puppies and young dogs do not need such methods, and harsh training does more harm than good.    

If you have children, do take care to never leave your dog unsupervised with young children (under the age of 10-12 years).  It will end in tears, and for the dog it can end in euthanasia. Dogs and other live animals are not playthings for children.  When you cannot be there and supervise the interaction, your young children should have no access to your dog or puppy. Honoring this simple rule can protect your family from heartache.

We care for our dogs throughout their lives, and we always take our dogs back if needed - for any reason, at any time. We can also help you re-home your pet. We understand that sometimes life circumstances can change in ways that we cannot foresee. Sometimes it may be best for the dog to be placed in other family. Sentikki dogs never need to go to a shelter, their shelter is here with us. 

Inga Cerbule


FCI International Judge

M.A. Animal Behavior

Riga, Latvia